ツインクワイエット-深層洗脳 歪められ正義-(モーションコミック版)

ツインクワイエット-深層洗脳 歪められ正義-(モーションコミック版)
Japanese Title: ツインクワイエット-深層洗脳 歪められ正義-(モーションコミック版)
Title: TWIN QUIET: Deep Brainwash, Distorted Justice (Motion Comic Version)
Released Date: June 6, 2019
Dlsite: RJ254461
Circle: survive
Format: mp4
Size: 231mb
Based on CG Illustration by Wagayanokurorekishi (我が家の黒歴史).

The transforming heroines “Twin Quiet” fight against the evil
with the spiritual weapon that normal people can’t recognize.

While these two investigate the case of missing women,
they notice the existence of the mastermind behind the scene.

The one of Twin Quiet, Quiet Aqua Shizuku Houzumi finally disclosed
the secret face of the mastermind but she is soon captured, having
the innocent people taken hostage behind the villains.

Will she be able to resist the vicious brainwashing experiment…?

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