Title: Kyouhaku II (Second): Mou Hitotsu no Ashita – The Animation
Japanese Title: 脅迫II[セカンド] ~もうひとつの明日~ THE ANIMATION
Synonyms: The Blackmail II: The Animation
Episodes: 3
Released Date: July 27, 2001 till February 22, 2002
Brand: Pink Pineapple
Alternative version: Kyouhaku: Owaranai Ashita
Alternative setting: Shin Kyouhaku 2 The Animation: Kizu ni Saku Hana Senketsu no Kurenai
Based on erotic game by Ail & Ail [Team Riva].
All Asuka wants is a relaxing honeymoon after her dream wedding with her boyfriend Ryousuke. Unfortunately for her, her friends Aya and Tamami have other plans for her — on her way to the honeymoon, strange men kidnap Asuka and take her to a secret location where unspeakable acts of lust occur, while her friends watch.
Episode 1
Released Date: July 27, 2001
Tags: Rape, Paizuri, Threesome, Facial, Blowjob, Doggy Style, Orgy, Creampie, Filmed, Bondage, Yakuza
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Episode 2
Released Date: October 26, 2001
Tags: Orgy, Doggy Style, Enema, Filmed, Blowjob, Yuri, Cunnilingus, Blowjob, Rape, Paizuri, Pee, Bondage, Netorare, Masturbation, School Girl, Megane, BBM, Threesome, Sex Toys
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Episode 3
Released Date: February 22, 2002
Tags: Handjob, Blowjob, Rape, Gangbang, Virgin, Outdoor Sex, Paizuri, Cosplay, Bunny Girl, Doggy Style, Netorare, Filmed, Anal, Double Penetration, Threesome
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