クズ賢者after カレンの日記 聖職者調教記録 モーションコミック版

クズ賢者after カレンの日記 聖職者調教記録 モーションコミック版
Japanese Title: クズ賢者after カレンの日記 聖職者調教記録 モーションコミック版
Title: Scumbag Sage’s Diary After Story – Priestly Training Record (Motion Comic Version)
Released Date: June 10, 2021
Dlsite: RJ329184
Circle: survive
Format: mp4
Size: 323mb
Based on CG Illustration by loopsoft.

The disgraced priestess is sold to a brothel and
becomes the property of a wealthy and influential man.
Gradually, her feelings for the hero start to change…

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