Kyouiku Shidou The Animation

Title: Kyouiku Shidou The Animation
Japanese Title: 教育指導 THE ANIMATION
Episodes: 1
Released Date: November 19, 2010
Brand: Milky / Milkys Pictures

Based on erotic game by Bishop.

Yoshiyuki loves having sex with girls. He is now a teacher and enjoys sex life with female students. Now that he has had sex with almost all of students, he decides to move to a different school. His next school is a famous girls’ school…. He meets various pretty girls there and soon plans to give “educational guidance” to them….

(Source: ErogeShop)

Kyouiku Shidou 1

Episode 1
Released Date: November 19, 2010
Tags: School Girl, Masturbation, Rape, Filmed, Drugged, Virgin, Big Breasts, Creampie, Blackmail, Doggy Style, Armpit Fetish, Paizuri, Facial, Ahegao

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