Title: Teakamamire no Tenshi The Animation
Japanese Title: 手垢塗れの天使 THE ANIMATION
Episodes: 1
Released Date: July 28, 2017
Brand: Pink Pineapple
Source Material: Based on erotic game by Akabei Soft3.
The spotlight is on Kisaragi Reina. Fulfilling her childhood dream, she makes her idol debut. However, she has lofty career aspirations, and her road to success is a difficult one.
Source: hanime
Teakamamire no Tenshi The Animation: Episode 1
Released Date: July 28, 2017
Tags: Idol, Sex Toys, Handjob, Big Breasts, Blowjob, Facial, Middle-aged man, Swimsuit, Threesome, Anal, Doggy Style, Double Penetration, Masturbation, Creampie