Japanese Title: ケダモノに支配された家~義父にママと私の全ては奪われた~(モーションコミック版)
Title: The Letch Who Rules The House – My New Father Exploits Mother & Me (Motion Comic Version)
Released Date: June 8, 2017
Dlsite: RJ200999
Circle: survive
Format: mp4
Size: 90mb
Based on CG Illustration by creamgirl.
At a young and beautiful age, Shiori becomes a
widow and her cute popular daughter Miho, fatherless.
Along comes a step-daddy, Kazushige.
Upon Shiori’s remarriage to him, the two start living
in a new house and while things were good at first…
The kind Kazushige soon shows his true colors…
It would seem that this mother and daughter were better off living alone.
They both pay the price of a mistaken remarriage! …