Title: Genkaku Cool na Sensei ga Aheboteochi!
Japanese Title: 厳格クールな先生がアヘボテオチ!
Episodes: 2
Released Date: June 26, 2015 till July 24, 2015
Brand: Mary Jane
High school student Kimishima Souma has feelings for his teacher Kazama Rinne and decides to write her a love letter. The teacher rips the letter into pieces in front of the class, humiliating him. Dejected, the boy visits the school nurse, Mizuki Hazuki, to talk about it. The nurse gives him some pills and proceeds to have sex with him, but when the teacher eventually walks in on this, shit hits the fan.
Source: Hentai Haven
Episode 1
Released Date: June 26, 2015
Tags: Female Teacher, Big Breasts, Blowjob, Virgin, Filmed, Creampie, Blackmail
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Episode 2
Released Date: July 24, 2015
Tags: Big Breasts, Doggy Style, Creampie, Blowjob, Toilet Scene, Female Teacher, Sex Toys, Masturbation, Pregnant, Threesome, Ahegao
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