Boy Meets Harem The Animation

Title: Boy Meets Harem The Animation
Japanese Title: ボーイ・ミーツ・ハーレム THE ANIMATION
Episodes: 1
Released Date: October 31, 2014
Brand: Pink Pineapple

Based on the adult manga by Omina Tachibana.

What do you get when you go on a school field trip to the southern islands, your plane crashes and the only survivors are the teacher you are in love with, two popular female classmates, and a hot flight attendant? Well, Naoki, his teacher, Momoka and Kana, and Asami are certainly actively trying their best to find that out…

Source: BakaBT

Boy Meets Harem The Animation

Episode 1
Released Date: October 31, 2014
Tags: Big Breasts, Blowjob, Creampie, Female Teacher, Gangbang, Harem, Masturbation, Outdoor Sex, School Girl, Threesome, Virgin, Yuri

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