Seifuku Shojo The Animation

Title: Seifuku Shojo The Animation
Japanese Title: 制服処女 THE ANIMATION
Episodes: 2
Released Date: February 27, 2004 till May 28, 2004
Brand: Pink Pineapple

* Based on the manga by Kino Hitoshi.

Mindless fucking with a techno music background. More or less. Actually, less – the sound in the later episodes isn’t as awfull as in the other ones.

The anime itself depicts teen-aged (and well endowed) school girls getting raped – by her teachers (the first episode), by some businessmen who mistake the girl for a hooker (the second episode), by a classmate in mad love with the girl (third episode) and finally two sisters being raped by the school janitor.

Seifuku Shojo The Animation collection 1

Episode 1
Released Date: February 27, 2004
Tags: School Girl, Megane, Facial, Blowjob, Rape, Bunny Girl, Cosplay, Sex Toys, Handjob, Maid, Virgin

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Seifuku Shojo The Animation collection 2

Episode 2
Released Date: May 28, 2004
Tags: School Girl, Rape, Bondage, Sex Toys, Enema, Inflation, Bathroom Scene, Megane, Blowjob, Swimsuit, Facial, Yuri, BDSM

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