Offside Girl

Title: Offside Girl
Japanese Title: オフサイドガール
Episodes: 2
Released Date: April 25, 2007 till August 25, 2007
Brand: Animan / GP Museum Soft

* Based on the manga by Nagare Ippon

Nanami has always liked Akira, yet soccer always gets in the way of their love. One day Akira asks her to be the soccer club’s manager. Could this bring them closer together?

Offside Girl episode 1

Episode 1
Released Date: April 25, 2007
Tags: Masturbation, School Girl, Lactation, Big Breasts, Blowjob

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Offside Girl episode 2

Episode 2
Released Date: August 25, 2007
Tags: Big Breasts, Lactation, Twin Tail

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