Title: Kan’in Tokkyuu: Michishio
Japanese Title: 姦淫特急 満潮
Episodes: 2
Released Date: August 6, 2010 till November 12, 2010
Brand: Digital Works / JVD / Vanilla
* Based on the game by Tsurumiku.
On a quiet night, a special express train runs along the coast. Within a compartment of the train, Miki is pressed up against a wall. When she moves, the clinking of chains is heard. Crying, she begs the train conductor for mercy.
The conductor’s name is Seiji, and this train is his training camp.
~ adapted and translated from the official site by Cranston
Episode 1
Released Date: August 6, 2010
Tags: Rape, Violence, Sex Toys, Anal, Train, Yuri, BDSM, Virgin, Doggy Style, Blowjob
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Episode 2
Released Date: November 12, 2010
Tags: Sex Toys, Rape, Cunnilingus, Yuri