Buta Hime-sama

Title: Buta Hime-sama
Japanese Title: 豚姫様
Episodes: 1
Released Date: August 26, 2011
Brand: Pink Pineapple

* Based on a doujin game by Orcsoft.

The peaceful country of Istoare is invaded by vicious orcs. To preserve her people, Queen Ilena agrees to marry the king of the invaders.

~ translated and adapted from official site by Cranston

Buta Hime-sama

Episode 1
Released Date: August 26, 2011
Tags: Orc, Big Breasts, Brown-skinned Girl, Blowjob, Ahegao, Creampie, Doggy Style, Pee, Masturbation, Lactation, Paizuri, Yuri, Shota, Cunnilingus

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