Title: Wana: Hakudaku Mamire no Houkago
Japanese Title: 輪罠(わな)~白濁まみれの放課後~
Episodes: 2
Released Date: February 25, 2011 till April 28, 2011
Brand: a1c / Suzuki Mirano
After the sudden death of her brother, Raika decides to transfer to the same school to investigate the circumstances of his death. Since his brother attended an all-boys school, she needs to disguise herself as a boy. However, her true identity is soon discovered…
Episode 1
Released Date: February 25, 2011
Tags: Gangbang, Blowjob, Handjob, Threesome, School Girl, Big Breasts, Female Teacher, Rape, Megane, Anal, Double Penetration, Virgin, Foursome, Facial, Swimsuit
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Episode 2
Released Date: April 28, 2011
Tags: Gangbang, Anal, Double Penetration, Handjob, Megane, Swimsuit, Blowjob, School Girl, Twin Tail, Rape, Virgin, Female Teacher, Orgy, Threesome, Violence