Dragon Rider

Title: Dragon Rider
Japanese Title: ドラゴン・ライダー
Episodes: 2
Released Date: October 27, 1995 till January 26, 1996
Brand: Pink Pineapple

The war between the Dragon Devil clan and the Dragon God clan caused much destruction and sorrow. In the end the Dragon Knights won and the three kings of the Dragon Devil clan were sealed away. However some of the other members of the Dragon Devil clan were able to escape…

Ten years have passed, and the world is at peace. A young man named Rike, who dreams of becoming a Dragon Knight, arrives at a small village where he meets the girl Karisu, who at first takes him for a thief. Shortly after his arrival the survivors of the Dragon Devil clan attacked the village and Rike discovered that there is more to Karisu than meets the eye. That was just the beginning of their troubles…

Dragon Rider episode 1

Episode 1
Released Date: October 27, 1995
Tags: Orgy, Outdoor Sex, Rape, Violence, Masturbation, Yuri, Demons

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Dragon Rider episode 2

Episode 2
Released Date: January 26, 1996
Tags: Violence, Blowjob, Cunnilingus

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