Kara no Shoujo

Title: Kara no Shoujo
Japanese Title: 殻ノ少女
Episodes: 2
Released Date: January 15, 2010 till October 15, 2010
Brand: Milky / Milkys Pictures
Same Setting: Cartagra: Tsuki Gurui no Yamai

* Based on the game by Innocent Grey.

10 years after losing the war, the city of Tokyo is still in the midst of being rebuilt. Within that city, strange recurrent incidents are occurring. Several students from the Sakuraba Private School for Girls have gone missing. Private detective Tokisaka Reito is called in to help with the investigation by childhood friend and former coworker Uozumi Kyozo. One day, Akito receives a strange request from student Kuchiki Toko: “Please find the real me.” In the midst of that, yet another Sakuraba student goes missing.

– translated and adapted from the official japanese site by Cranston

Kara no Shoujo episode 1

Episode 1
Released Date: January 15, 2010
Tags: Big Breasts

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Kara no Shoujo episode 2

Episode 2
Released Date: October 15, 2010
Tags: Blowjob, Bathroom Scene, Doggy Style, Cunnilingus, School Girl, Outdoor Sex

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