Seito Kaichou Hikaru

Title: Seito Kaichou Hikaru
Japanese Title: 聖徒会長ヒカル
Episodes: 1
Released Date: April 23, 2010
Brand: Mary Jane

Based on erotic game by catwalkNero.

There is a school where students learn how to hunt monsters. Yuki, Seira and Hikaru finally defeat Varmus, a monster. But their battle doesn’t end yet…. A new enemy revives Varmus and Kotone, their teacher, is kidnapped by him. Following it, heroines are kidnapped one by one. His purpose is actually to make them give birth to monster babies….

(Source: ErogeShop)

Seito Kaichou Hikaru episode 1

Episode 1
Released Date: April 23, 2010
Tags: Big Breasts, Demon, Gangbang, Rape, School Girl, Tentacles

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