Kakyuusei 2: Ki Hanashi Atsumari (Anthology)

Title: Kakyuusei 2: Ki Hanashi Atsumari (Anthology)
Japanese Title: 下級生2 ~季花詞集 [Anthology]~
Episodes: 2
Released Date: March 24, 2006 till June 23, 2006
Brand: Pink Pineapple
Side Story: Kakyuusei 2: Sketchbook

Based on erotic game by Elf.

Childhood friends, Ryoma and Tamaki, are not just friends. Actually, they have sexual intercourse, but they’re not lovers, either. One day, Tamaki gets angry with Ryoma and announces to break with him because he didn’t take contraception measure while they were doing things.

However, because they belong to the same club, they have to meet. Seeing their cold attitudes, Yuri tries to make them friends again. However, she can’t hide her love toward Ryoma, and confesses her love. Then, they make love, but…

(Source: AnimeNfo)

Kakyuusei 2: Ki Hanashi Atsumari (Anthology) episode 1

Episode 1
Released Date: March 24, 2006
Tags: Blowjob, Doggy Style, Anal, Bathroom Scene, BDSM

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Kakyuusei 2: Ki Hanashi Atsumari (Anthology) episode 2

Episode 2
Released Date: June 23, 2006
Tags: Small Breasts, Virgin, Blowjob, Cunnilingus, Doggy Style

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