
Japanese Title: オタクの俺を馬鹿にした糞○キを監禁!仕返し折檻!!(モーションコミック版)
Title: Enslave the Brat Who Insulted Me! Revenge Torment!! (Motion Comic Version)
Released Date: November 1, 2016
Dlsite: RJ187705
Circle: survive
Format: mp4
Size: 103mb
Based on CG Illustration by Hinahara Yashiki.

“Freaaaaak! Run away, don’t go near the freaaaak, hahahahaha!”

The words of the snotty little bastard stayed with me for days.
I’m sick of tolerating bullsh*t brats like him!
All I could think is how much I’d love to shatter his safe little world…

Humiliation. Bondage. Confinement. There were so many words.
How would I do it? What would give me the most pleasure and make him beg for forgiveness?
His innocence and pride and body were all I thought about.

Violating, that is.

An otaku insulted by a callous shota puts his black heart into revenge.

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